Sample statement for card compromised

You received a letter from CCU stating your debit card has been compromised. Wait, What. My card has been compromised? What does that even mean?

Receiving a letter that your debit card has been “compromised” can be upsetting and confusing, to say the least. Unfortunately, plastic card fraud is on the rise.

A compromised card letter does not mean any fraudulent activity occurred on your account. By notifying you, Champion Credit Union is taking every precaution to ensure your account data is handled with the highest level of safety and security.

By definition
A compromised debit card means that information (e.g., card number, name) may have been obtained by an unauthorized source. It does not mean that Champion Credit Union’s systems were compromised. In most cases, the breach occurs at a location that accepts or processes card transactions (e.g., merchant terminals, transaction processors or phishing).

Some considerations
If Champion Credit Union receives a report that your debit card information is compromised, we will take every step to ensure the security of you debit card. In most cases, we will reissue your debit card with a different number. In addition to the new debit card, we will send you a new pin, and a letter explaining the steps you will need to take once you receive your new debit card.

Here are some additional considerations:

Champion Credit Union strives to offer you safe and secure financial service solutions. In particular, we monitor account activity, identify trends, work to reduce or restrict activity and reissue cards, when needed.

As a reminder, if you ever suspect fraudulent activity on your CCU MasterMoney ATM/Debit Card, please call (419) 407-4140 during credit union regular business hours or call 800-472-3272 after hours.