About Us

Driving high quality treatment services to become accessible and available in a timely manner to anyone who seeks help.

This is our main goal, supported by the following work:

Educating Key Decision Makers

We track issues at the local, state, and federal levels about current and emerging trends in substance use disorder services. We work with legislators and allied coalitions to advocate for accessible and quality substance use disorder services on behalf of individuals with chronic addiction.

Informing Public Policy

Our committees work to recognize emerging statewide policy issues, identify and address the needs of the field, and help reduce substance use by recommending improvements to current efforts and new initiatives.

Educating Our Members

Through the CAADPE website, our e-newsletter, and special alerts, we keep our members informed and bring them together to participate in the public discourse and collective action regarding substance use disorder services.

Convening Industry Leaders

Our roundtables keep everyone informed and updated about public policies and issues challenging the substance use disorder services field.

Educating & Activating The Public

Our website and other public education initiatives keep Californians aware of current and proposed public policies, the potential impact on their communities, and actions they can take to influence these policies.

Sponsoring Professional Education & Training

Contact CAADPE about upcoming training events.

With each new member agency our voice and impact grow stronger.

The ONLY state-wide association representing all types of substance use disorder treatment programs

Established in 1989, CAADPE member agencies now provide substance use disorder treatment services at over 300 sites in California. Together, we advocate for high quality services to treat substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders, and for making these services accessible and available to anyone who seeks help.

Membership in CAADPE is by agency, and each member agency is represented at CAADPE by their chief executive leader or his/her designee.

CAADPE is organized by chapters throughout the state and headquartered in Sacramento for easy access to state government. At the state-wide level, a volunteer board of directors, elected by the members, guides the association and its policies on issues vital to its members.

It is through the committee structure that CAADPE addresses the needs of the field and identifies the policy issues of the organization. CAADPE members are urged to volunteer their time in their respective areas of expertise.

Our Priorities

  1. Promote and support health and social equity across all SUD services and policies.
  2. Promote and support efforts to provide the necessary state and federal resources for individuals to access SUD services at an individual’s assessed level and in a timely manner. (Enough money for treatment on demand).
  3. Promote and support proposals to reduce bureaucratic barriers to an individual securing SUD services. (this would include paperwork reduction, cost report reform, eligibility for peer support services, etc).
  4. Promote and support efforts to strengthen and expand the SUD workforce to address the current shortage and meet the growing demand for SUD services.
  5. Promote and support care integration of SUD services.
  6. Promote and support the state’s adoption of new and emerging SUD evidence based treatment strategies and technologies (e.g. telehealth, contingency management and OPP).
  7. Oppose any state and federal efforts to diminish or reduce the availability and/or access to SUD services. (e.g. STOP funding, backfill of loss of realignment funds).


Legislative Committee

Criminal Justice Committee

Reviews and makes recommendations about proposed state legislation and review issues surrounding the criminal justice system and CDCR.

Executive Committee

The executive committee is comprised of the Association’s officers. The officers conduct the day-to-day business of the Association.

Workforce Development / Services Committee

Board of Directors

A member-elected Board of Directors guides the association. The board reviews policies, makes recommendations, and takes positions on issues impacting the substance use disorder field. CAADPE board members represent providers from a number of working groups and agencies across the state.

Albert M. Senella,
Tarzana Treatment Centers, Inc.
Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura Counties

Vitka Eisen, MSW, Ed. D.,
HealthRIGHT 360
Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Francisco, and Sutter Counties.

Shawn Jenkins,
WestCare California
Fresno, El Dorado, Kern, Sacramento Counties

Maurice Lee,
Center Point, Inc.
Marin, Sonoma, Alameda, Sacramento, Kings, Riverside Counties

Doug Bond
Amity Foundation
Los Angeles, Madera, San Bernardino, San Diego Counties

Jack Bernstein
Los Angeles County

Brandon Fernandez-Comer
Los Angeles County

Deena Duncan
Volunteers of America
Los Angeles County

Alice Gleghorn
Phoenix Houses of California, Inc.
Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Orange, San Bernardino, San Diego, Ventura Counties

Mark Hickman
Western Pacific Med Corp
Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura Counties

Luis Montes
Narcotics Prevention Association Inc.
Los Angeles County

Javier Moreno
Aegis Treatment Centers
Butte, Fresno, Kern, Los Angeles, Merced, Placer, San Bernardino, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Stanislaus, Sutter, Ventura, Yuba Counties

Juan Navarro
Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Los Angeles County


Executive Director

Robert Layne

CAADPE Executive Director, Robert Layne

Robb Layne is the Executive Director of the California’s Association of Alcohol and Drug Program Executives (CAADPE), the only state-wide association representing all types of substance use disorder services. In this role, Robb transformed the association into a vital player in the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) policy arena, grew the association’s financial position and created a wider political footprint for his members.

Robb graduated from the University of California, Davis, and began a career bridging multiple industries. Bookending where he started to where he is now, Robb spent over ten years in the California State Assembly and California State Senate as legislative and committee staff. After leaving the Capitol, he was recruited to work as an executive team member at Partnership HealthPlan of California. After three years with Partnership, he was asked to join the County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California. He rebranded the organization, increased its exposure, and enhanced its reputation at the State Capitol.

Both in his role as the Executive Director of CAADPE and as a parent of a son with Serious Mental Illness (SMI), Robb currently sits on the California Health & Human Services Agency Behavioral Health Task Force (BHTF), the 988-Crisis Policy Advisory Commission, the California Behavioral Health Planning Council (CBHPC) Workforce Committee and California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation/ Council on Criminal Justice California Juvenile Justice Compendium and Toolkit Advisory Board.

Robb has sat on various community boards including the Sacramento LGBT Community Center and Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce Foundation. He currently is the co-president of the Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region. He lives in Sacramento with his husband Marc Koenigsberg and their dog Riley.

Jennifer Yancey

Executive Operations Director

Jennifer Yancey

Jennifer Yancey joined the CAADPE team in 2000. She has enjoyed the journey with CAADPE, these last 20 years, as CAADPE has worked thoroughly as it changes for the better the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) field.

Jennifer optimizes the workflow, productivity of CAADPE team. She provides oversite and management of the Associations operations. Also, assist in the policy efforts as it is related to SUD. As a director of operations, she works closely with the Executive Director and CAADPE Board of Directors.

Jennifer graduated from University of California, Stanislaus. And in her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two children.

Max Geide

Senior Manager, Membership and Communication Strategy

Max Geide

Max Geide serves as the Senior Manager of Membership and Communication Strategy, where he steers membership development and communication efforts. In his role, he ensures that his team shares a unified strategic vision, building robust connections with the organization's members. Before this, as Communications Manager at the California Alliance of Child and Family Services, Max boosted advocacy efforts and public engagement, vital in shaping the narrative around the Alliance’s mission.

His career is marked by a significant contribution to communication strategies, engaging stakeholders, and fostering impactful community conversations. Max’s role also involves close coordination with various organizational committees, driving membership engagement and expanding the communicative reach.

Outside of his professional life, Max is passionate about the performing arts, often channeling his creativity through acting. He also has a profound love for writing, a pursuit that sharpens his communication skills and enriches his storytelling capabilities.


Legislative Policy Analyst

Trent Murphy

In Trent’s role at CAADPE, he actively contributes to the development and execution of the Association's legislative priorities. Trent ensures internal association committees have a comprehensive understanding of the legislative landscape. Prior to joining CAADPE in February 2024, Trent led external relations for a Sacramento-based non-profit organization focused on providing environmental education experiences for K-12 schools.

Trent has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from California State University, Stanislaus. While obtaining his degree, Trent's dedication to influencing public policy was evident as he was elected to serve as the lead legislative advocate for the California State Student Association. In this capacity, he represented the student body of the California State University system to the state legislature, where he gained invaluable expertise in state policymaking and a passion for advocacy.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Trent finds solace in outdoor activities, particularly hiking, and is an avid reader of science fiction and history.

Thomas Renfree

Policy Consultant

Thomas Renfree

Prior to his retirement in 2019, Tom Renfree served as Deputy Director of the California Behavioral Health Directors Association In 2019, he was also elected to a term as President of the National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors (NACBHDD).

Prior to this position, for almost fourteen years Tom was the Executive Director of the County Alcohol and Drug Program Administrators Association of California. In this role Tom was active in statewide efforts to increase local government funding and support for both adult and adolescent alcohol and drug prevention and treatment services. During that period he was also instrumental in establishing the Alcohol and Drug Policy Institute as a research and policy think tank.

Among Tom’s leadership goals are a commitment to work toward better public understanding of substance use disorder issues, and a commitment to help advance public support for behavioral health programs, their clients, and the workforce that directly provide prevention and treatment services.

In his current role as a policy consultant for CAADPE, Tom is tasked with writing and preparing the association’s Weekly Membership Memo, focusing on legislative and policy issues, as well as other news and updates of interest to CAADPE members. He also works on related publications, including white papers, special reports, articles and fact sheets on issues related to SUD policy and services. This work involves monitoring legislation of interest to CAADPE, staying updated on specific bills, and preparing legislative reports and letters. When requested, Tom represents CAADPE at assigned meetings of affiliate organizations, and participates in various CAADPE meetings as well.